Strong retention.
Rapid growth.

Let Leva's Customizable mentorship software enable strong retention and employee engagement at your company.

Create impactful mentorship.
Customizable, automated mentorship matching.
Leva's personalized algorithm creates organic pairings based on shared interests, passions, and goals.
Mentorship programs with optionality and guidance.
Leva's guided content and various mentorship structures are tailored to personal goals and comapny objectives.
Focus on female retention and work life balance.
Leva is dedicated to increasing female retention, empowering women in the workplace, and providing women with access to senior leadership.
Entreprenuers Driving Change.
Our team is built of Northwestern University students working to change the way mentorship works. Leva is one of 24 resident startup teams at Northwestern's startup accelerator, The Garage. We started Leva with working women in mind and our mission has remained constant. Leva means "lift" in Latin and our goal is to lift the current state of corporate mentorship. Let us build a meaningful, impactful mentorship program for men and women in your organization.
Are you ready to Leva your workplace?